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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Taruma 1.20 - Circuito - Taruma, Brazil

Well, here it is! After 2 and 1/2 months of work, I finally got Taruma race ready. It all started when i saw a post from "Notorious2" on RSC asking for a modder to create this track.I thought it would be cool for me to try, so made a BTB version of the track and uploaded it. i then got an emal from Mat Stumpf, who is a sim and real-life Brazilian race car driver who said there was a GP4 version around and he got permission from Auradrummer to convert it. i found it, downloaded it and started to learn how to convert the track. From what i heard GP4 to rFactor was very hard and I can tell you that it is, but now that i understand it more, it's actually quite easy. I cant even tell you how many hours this took. It was a lot like a part time job. My thoughts go out to all other modders out there who put time and effort to release a quality product..
As for the track..
It is fully race ready! Everything works, you can drive on any surface. It is a fantastic road course. You are almost full throttle throughout the entire lap. i clocked a 48:60 in a Champ Car. Its definitely a fun track! the AI is pretty good, you may want to adjust their rates in your own settings. All garages and pits are accessible. There are a few little bugs here and there. mainly, a few flashing textures of trees and 1 surface at the last garage and at the pit out. Most of them depend on what view you use. Which brings me to the cam file. Its a little off, but does the job for now. Other than that, I think this track Rocks!
Tools used: 3DSMax8, 3DSimed 1.5, Adobe Photoshop, GP4Builder, Tex Resizer,
Deep Exploration, Marlboro Lights and Dr.Pepper.
Special Thanks:
My Wife for all her patience and spport, Mat Stumpf, Auradrummer, Uzzi, Mkilner, Freew67, Locke, ISI, Frank-br, Team Tundra, RSC and of course, rFactorCentral..

Place Taruma folder in your gamedata/locations folder.
Please delete any Taruma.hat files from previous versions if you downloaded any beta's of the trac. located in your userdata/log/hat folder.

link fix:


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